
Energy Healing Disclaimer

The information on this website is offered for informational purposes only. The user of said information accepts all responsibility for viewing and/or using this information.

Energy healing systems such as Reiki, EFT, Meditation, Breathwork and Sound Healing* are not a substitute for medical care. This information is not offered for the purposes of substituting, replacing, or contraindicating sound medical advice or medical care. This information is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical illness. If you have medical concerns you are advised to contact a licensed physician.

A Rae of Light Wellness does not diagnose, advise, treat, or provide cures for any medical condition. Our focus is on sharing information on holistic and natural healing methods through previous studies, examples, guidelines, books etc. and to help others lead a more positive, healthy lifestyle through learning about natural and holistic methods. A Rae of Light Wellness and its members do not assume any responsibility for those who choose to treat themselves using any of the information provided on this website.

The information on this site is provided as a public service. A Rae of Light Wellness is not responsible for the content or links outside of A Rae of Light Wellness. Listings of practitioners, publications, manufacturers or suppliers do not constitute an endorsement. There is no implied or express warrant or guarantee of merchantability or fitness for any particular usage, application or purpose.

A Rae of Light Wellness assumes no liability for any use or misuse of the information and/or products on this site.

By purchasing sessions or materials from this site you are agreeing that you have read the disclaimer on this site. If you are under doctors care, consult your physician before participating in any session. 

All Zoom sessions are recorded.

*Sound Healing session is not recommended for those with metal implant, pacemaker, neurological disorders like Epilepsy or in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Yoga Disclaimer

As with all exercise programs, when practicing yoga, please use common sense and listen to your body. Note the following cautions before engaging in and practicing yoga.

To reduce the risk of injury, consult with your doctor before beginning yoga or any fitness program.

1 – Not all exercises are suitable for everyone.
2 – This or any exercise program may result in injury. to reduce the risk of injury, never force or strain your body.
3 – If you experience pain please stop immediately and consult your physician.
4- Individual circumstances will determine individual abilities, caution also applies to those with specific health issues. For example pregnant women should not do twists or abdominal tightening poses.
5 – This is not an exhaustive list of risks and recommendations, as such it is strongly recommended that you consult a doctor to find out if special restrictions apply to you.
6 – Please note all yoga poses should be done with a yoga mat and barefoot.
7 – By performing any fitness exercise, you do so at your own risk.

A Rae of Light Wellness will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of use of any and all of our yoga programs.